Adding and Removing LUTs

Learn how to import your LUT libraries in Color Finale LUTs.

Upon installing Color Finale LUTs, the app’s LUTs list is empty.

To add folders:

  1. Click the Plus button to the right of DISK FOLDERS in the LUTs management tab.

  2. Wait for the app to finish scanning.

If you organise your LUTs in one top folder with subfolders for each LUTs category or per vendor of LUTs collections, it’s not necessary to add each subfolder. Color Finale LUTs will find every folder with LUTs in the top folder and add these subfolders to the list of LUTs in the LUTs management tab. If you add LUTs to your LUTs folder while Color Finale LUTs is open, it will scan them and they will immediately become available. Removing a LUT file in the Finder with Color Finale LUTs open will instantly remove it from the LUTs list as well. You can see a count of the LUTs in each folder/subfolder on the right of each folder’s name in the LUTs list.

To remove folders:

  1. Click the Minus button in the lower right corner in the LUTs management tab.

  2. Confirm your action to remove the folder.

Last modified November 17, 2020